‘Give loads of love this Christmas,’ says Anne Harley, co-ordinator and founder of the Stable
at Riverway
‘It is not about how much money you can spend, it’s about how much love you can give,’
she said in a Christmas message for the Townsville Bulletin.
‘Christmas can be a wonderful time. Create good memories for your family!!’
‘The world is a mess. Jesus actually gives hope, life and healing in our lives if only we look
towards him.’
On Christmas Day, Ms Harley is looking forward to celebrating with friends. The Stable at
Riverway runs from December 18 to 22. After that, Anne will have more time for her
favourite pastimes — swimming and surfing.
Reflecting on the Stable’s history, through 18 years in Strand Park to its new venue at
Riverway, she recalls, ‘In my heart was an event that brought the churches together. The
result is that we now can give a beautiful free gift to the community.’