Roll Up Your Sleeves for Australia Day Event

Join Townsville City Council for the 30th annual Clean Up Australia Day to help transform Rowes Bay this weekend. A Council spokesperson said many hands would make light work at the event at Soroptimist Park this Sunday. “Looking after our environment is so important. We live in a wonderful city that has so much natural beauty to offer, but it’s up to all of us to keep our city looking great,” the spokesperson said.

“Taking part in Clean Up Australia Day is an easy way to do your part to keep our parks and beaches clean from litter. Just head down to Soroptimist Park at Rowes Bay from 8am to 10.30am and take part in the collection. “Make sure you’re wearing a hat, gloves, a sun safe shirt and closed-in shoes, and bring along a reusable water bottle.” The spokesperson said there would be more activities after the clean-up.

“Once the clean-up is done, we’ll have a free barbecue. We’ll also be giving away a limited number of native plants,” they said. “And remember, if you can’t make this event, you can visit to register your own event or join another public event.” The spokesperson said it was also important to take the Clean Up Australia Day message to heart.

“We see plenty of littering around town, but if we all take care to dispose of our rubbish properly there will be far, far less waste in our city,” they said. “Clean Up Australia Day is one day a year, but it’s our responsibility to keep rubbish off the streets every day of the year.” Council’s Clean Up Australia Day event will run from 8am to 10.30am at Soroptimist Park, Rowes Bay on Sunday 1 March.

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