More than 430 metres of footpath is set to be replaced at one of North Ward’s most popular shopping and dining precincts in the months to come.

The Mitchell, Gregory and Eyre Street pathway upgrade jointly funded by the State Government’s Works for Queensland program will be completed over seven months and will see local business Jackson Semler replace the existing paved footpath while undertaking water main replacement works along with stormwater improvements.Acting Mayor and divisional Councillor Ann-Maree Greaney said the contractor would work alongside businesses to minimise disruption to trade as much as possible.

“This $2.4 million upgrade will mean great things for North Ward businesses and patrons, not only making the area more appealing, but also increasing safety by getting rid of the pavers which have started showing signs of age in recent years. Anyone that has spent a bit of time around the North Ward Shopping Village and Gregory Street knows the issues we’ve had with sinking pavers. To be able to provide the whole area around the village with a new concrete treatment will really improve accessibility in the area. The work is extensive, and is expected to take some time, but we have been busy making sure our traders know this was on the cards and have made the contractor aware of our expectation to minimise disruption to traders. The contractor will work in sections to ensure accessibility is maintained as much as possible and along the way there will be a number of water main replacements and stormwater upgrades to make sure we don’t have to come back and disrupt the area anytime soon.” Cr Greaney said.

Councillor Greaney thanked the State Government for coming onboard to jointly fund the project to the tune of $1.85 million through their Works for Queensland Program.

“This is a big project that will no doubt affect our community, but it is important we are able to get this vital infrastructure completed and enhance the liveability of this much-loved area. As the gateway to one of one of our city’s most popular locations, I will continue to fight for further works to improve infrastructure in the area, including the length of Mitchell Street in the years to come.” she said.

Member for Townsville Adam Baillie MP said he is proud to be a part of the State Government support of Council’s investment in the amenity the popular North Ward precinct. This project will improve a much-loved part of Townsville,” Mr Baillie said

“The area is home to some of the city’s best restaurants, coffee shops and boutiques, so it makes sense that we improve the functionality as well as the look and feel of the area.”

Gregory Street and Eyre Street (to the east of Gregory Street) will be under traffic management throughout the works. Works on the first stages are underway, with the project expected to take seven months to completed, weather permitting.