Day 1: Twelve Days of Christmas: The Story Behind These Strange Gifts?


What if we told you that on the first day of Christmas ‘my true love’ represents God and a ‘partridge in a pear tree’ represents Jesus, the Son of God?

The same way a mother partridge, a bird known to die to protect its young, shows sacrificial love, God gave the ultimate sacrifice, His Son, who was born to die for you and me. How different would Christmas look if we remembered that sometimes the ultimate gift isn’t an object at all but a sacrificial action – giving up time or showing love, sacrificing for those around us, for our loved ones, and extending generosity to those around us.  

Sometimes all people need is to know how much you love them by showing them with your actions. 

Day 1 Action: Shout a coffee to someone today – show unselfish love for a friend or stranger. 


Check out “The Story Behind These Strange Gifts” here