National Call to Prayer

National church leaders from across the country have united together in a call to Australian Christians to pray in response to the Coronavirus that is gripping the world.
“The Church is standing in the gap as COVID19 Virus causes chaos in every sphere of society, and fear has gripped the hearts and minds of people everywhere,” said ACC National President, Pastor Wayne Alcorn. “Current predictions of worldwide organisations such as W.H.O. are dire, should this pandemic not be stopped. We believe prayer changes things.”
He mentioned that he has been greatly encouraged by the unity and overwhelming support of every expression of the Australian Church. This National Prayer initiative is supported by the heads of Church denominations and Christian ministries, which will commence on Thursday, 19 March at 19h00. 
“We are simply asking all Christians to set their alarms to pray at 19h00 each day, no matter what their time zone,” explained Pastor Wayne Alcorn. “The 19th and 19h00 is simply an effective numerical reminder and connection to COVID19.” 
As individuals and families begin to pray every day, a National Day of Prayer for the Nations amidst COVID-19 will commence on Sunday, 29 March 2020. This will be followed by a month of Sundays of united prayer, including the Easter services. 
With public gatherings over 100 suspended, most churches are embracing technology and holding services online. 
“People will be able to pray wherever they are, during this season,” said Pastor Wayne Alcorn.   “We, the Church of Jesus Christ, will stand united in prayer until we see this pandemic stopped.”