Townsville City Council is hosting a clean-up at Aplins Weir Rotary Park this Saturday, September 16, as part of Clean Up Australia’s ‘The Great Spring Clean’.

This free community event runs from 8.30-10am, with clean-up bags and gloves provided as attendees help contribute to a rubbish-free local environment.

Townsville Water and Resource Recovery Committee Chairperson Russ Cook said everyone who attended would be provided with free refreshments and a native plant to take home to say thank you for their time and effort.

“Timing is critical – the aim is to make sure we get as much rubbish out of our precious environment before the onset of the monsoon and cyclone seasons,” Cr Cook said. “It’s a great opportunity for residents to take pride and care for our natural environment while also learning about the risks and impact of litter. Council has supported The Great Spring Clean (formerly known as The Great Northern Clean Up) initiative for many years and we had a fantastic turnout last year of committed Townsville residents of all ages giving up their time to help to clean up our community. It’s a great community event where we all can showcase our commitment to the protection of Townsville’s natural environment and with it being the first weekend of school holidays we always see lots of primary and secondary school students involved.”


Special guests attending on the day include:

  • Townsville Northern Suburbs Lions Club
  • Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc
  • Invasive Species Council – Yellow Crazy Ants
  • Townsville City Council – Yellow Crazy Ant Team
  • Townsville City Council – Resource Recovery – Projects & Education Officer
  • Townsville City Council – Environmental Restoration – Biosecurity
  • Townsville City Council – Environmental Health Team – Illegal Dumping Information.

For more information on the Great Spring Clean visit What’s On Townsville.

Community members can also register their own Great Spring Clean event at https://www.cleanup.org.au/register.