
Educators are the amongst the most important adults that young people will learn from in their formative years.

World Teachers’ Day 2022 will be celebrated across Australia on October 28. It is an opportunity to recognise and thank the educators who play a vital role in developing young people and helping them to evolve into important contributors to our communities.

For Briony Eddison, being a Prep teacher at Carinity Education Shalom in Townsville since 2019 has been most unlike her other teaching experiences. “The class sizes allow us to get to know each and every student in a way that just isn’t possible in mainstream schools with bigger classes. The feeling amongst staff is incredibly supportive and everyone is willing to do more than is expected,” Briony said.

“Never in my entire career have I been so rewarded by the day-to-day accomplishments of students. The students have got into my heart in a way no other students ever have. Every day I go home exhausted but with a very full heart!”

Carinity Acting CEO, David Angell, paid tribute to the teachers and support staff – including chaplains, youth workers, grounds and administration staff – who support students at Carinity Education schools.

“Every day, dedicated teachers at our schools make a significant difference in the lives of young people by being a positive influence – and positive role models,” David said.

“Our teachers are also inspired by the young people they support and educate, learning about resilience and perseverance from students who have faced obstacles on their education journey.