In celebrating Queensland Youth Week, Live FM is teaming up with YWAM to highlight Young Legends in the community!.
A YOUNG LEGEND is someone aged 12-18 who goes above and beyond for a worthy cause or for others in the community. Young legends demonstrate strong character and personal qualities, are exceptional and inspirational role models for other youth and generally demonstrate excellence in their field.
They can also be someone who has significantly contributed to their school/community/church/club, through activities such as volunteering, developing and implementing new projects and/or acts of service towards others.
If you know a Young Legend who fits this criteria and is worth celebrating, fill in the form below and nominate them to be in the running to be this year’s Live FM YOUNG LEGEND!
One lucky winner, drawn at random, will win their very own YWAM Precinct Ropes Experience and a morning tea at the cafe for them and five friends.
Nominated Legends!
Djahmu Renagi Va’a!

Djahmu led a group of young men to raise $5000 for an anti-human trafficking organisation, Bloom Asia. When he is not playing rugby on the weekends, he acts as an ambassador for Next Generation GLS.
Bethany Jones!

Bethany, in September last year she helped to bake cupcakes to raise money for an anti-human trafficking organisation in Cambodia raising over $2000 in one day! She is currently using her skills as a baker to make cookies and sell them to raise funds for a missionary working with YWAM. She is selfless, kind and generous. She always wants to encourage others and is a real go-getter.
Noah Hawksworth!

Noah is a young man of kindness and integrity. He always has a cheerful greeting and is full of joy. He is working really hard in his studies, but he still gives time to serve and encourage others.
Tehila Renagi Va’a!

Tehilla was the only Queensland resident to be awarded the ‘Girls in Sports’ scholarship. A mentorship program that nurtures young women in leadership. She hopes to use what she learns to teach other young girls and invest back to her home nation, Papua New Guinea.
Arthur Smart!

Arthur is an outstanding kid all around. Currently a school captain at Kirwan State School, excels both academically and in sports. Still has time for his church and others around.