Stinger net installation starts this week

Nets are being rolled out at Townsville beaches this week to mark the start of the stinger season. Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said protecting locals and visitors to the city was a priority for Council. “Enjoying our great beaches is part of the North Queensland...

Tobruk Baths redevelopment on-track

The redevelopment of the Tobruk Memorial Baths on The Strand has achieved another important milestone with earthworks for the replacement 50 metre pool complete and forming-up now underway.   Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said contractors working on the project...

Focus is on mental wellbeing this weekend

Townsville residents are being invited to come along and learn how to keep on top of their mental health and wellbeing at a new expo being held this weekend. Townsville City Council’s new Mentally Healthy City Wellness Expo is being held at the Palmetum Botanical...